What is Slack?
Slack is a free messaging service that we use at ALSA UK in order to maintain professionalism. It can be accessed for free at alsauk.co.uk and it’s a free phone app too.
Slack notifications can be a bit tricky, if you download the phone app, go into the settings of the app and set your notifications to on and your status to available. Then go into your actual phone settings and make sure notifications are on there too.
Notifications shut off automatically at 11pm, so try not to send messages after that
The Rules of Slack:
Have a professional Name and Profile Picture
Check notifications every 72 hours to ensure prompt reply to messages.
Any conversations on Slack should be about ALSA UK, no personal conversations.
Don’t use whatsapp or any other social media DMs to reach out to ALSA UK volunteers regarding ALSA Work - Keep it all to Slack at all times.
If you need to take a break from Slack that’s tottaly fine, but you need to let your team lead know.
Features of Slack:
Channels: Channels are like group chats, some of them are private and you will be only added if you are a part of that team. Some of them are public and you will be added to them as soon as you join ALSA UK. They are:
alsauk_updates - this is where we share anything new going on within ALSA UK
Opportunities - this is where anyone can share career and education opportunities available both within and outside of ALSA UK
Threads: If you are replying to a message, you should ‘reply to thread’ by hovering over the message and clicking this icon
Reactions : not every message needs a reply, but sometimes its nice to react to a message with a thumbs up to show you have read it. You can react to a message by hovering over it and clicking the speech bubble.
Direct messages: You can message any ALSA UK volunteer by searching for their name, but make sure your conversations are about ALSA UK work.
Canvas: This can be found at the top of most channels and contains 'useful information', it’s always worth checking when you join any channel.
You will get the hang of Slack really quickly, but if you have any questions you can always reach out to Arisa.